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Mathias Hoffmann is Professor of International Trade and Finance at the Department of Economics at University of Zurich. His research focuses on the macroeconomic aspects of international financial integration and on the link between asset markets and the macroeconomy more generally. His recent published articles include papers on the determinants of international capital flows and imbalances, the international transmission of business cycles, banking regulation and on international risk sharing. Prior to arriving in Zurich in 2006 he was Professor of Economics at the University of Dortmund, Lecturer at Southampton University and a visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley. Mathias Hoffmann has held visiting positions at Deutsche Bundesbank, the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research and Keio University and is a fellow of the CESifo network. He obtained his undergraduate education in economics and mathematics at WHU Koblenz, Brandeis University and the University of Bonn and a PhD in Economics from the European University Institute in Florence.



Miscellaneous: notes, discussions

Discussion of Ghironi-Stebunovs ‘The Domestic and International Effects of Interstate U.S. Banking’ (PDF, 325 KB)Deutsche Bundesbank Spring Conference, May 27/28, 2010.
Discussion of Tille & Stoffels ‘ Swiss External Financiel Exposure – benefit or burden?’ (PDF, 336 KB) SNB-IMF Conference on Exchange Rates, Zurich, Nov. 24-25 2008.
Antrittsvorlesung zum Thema “Was nützt dem Privatverbraucher die Globalisierung der Finanzmärkte?”, 21.04.2007Download (PDF, 871 KB)
‘Discussion of Coeurdacier, Kollmann & Martin: International Portfolios, Capital Accumulation and Foreign Asset Dynamics’ (PDF, 150 KB)10th Bundesbank Spring Conference, May 22-23 2008. 
Vorlesung zum Thema “Wie globalisiert sind Finanzmärkte wirklich?” gehalten im Rahmen des Themenabends VWL zum 175-jährigen Bestehen der Universität Zürich, 10.04.2008Download Vorlesung (PDF, 552 KB)
‘Discussion of Harald Uhlig’s paper Macroeconomics and Asset Markets – Some Mutual Implications’, Bundesbank Kleistvilla-Workshop, June 2006 Slides (PDF, 82 KB)